Mythical and Fantasy Creatures
Home Page

About Page

Minotaur's and Centaurs

Orc's and Ogres

The Dragon Page

Dvea's Page

Manticore Pictures

Chimerae Page

Guest Book Page

Favorite Links

Contact Page

What's New Page

Discussion Forums


Welcome to the Archives of Mythical and Fantasy Creatures.

The function of this site is to give people access to pictures and information about all categories of mythical and fantasy creatures. The pictures here are from artist from all over the net, and the world. Currently I am commissioning several artists to provide more pictures for the site. If there is a creature or monster you don't see on my site, or just something you would like to see added, sign in on the guest book and let me know. I'll do my best to get a drawing of your requests posted as soon as possible.
Recent Updates

20040106   Site created!
20040106   I've decided to try something out. Check out the What's New Page to get the details.

20040112  A few new pictures and monsters have been added. Centaurs were put in under the Minotaur page.

20040112  Kabar stakes a claim to a picture submitted by himself.

20040112  Guest book altered. Previous posts can be read without posting a new comment.

Site Information:

Having just started this site I hope that everyone will bear with me over the next day or two while I organize and upload all of the current information I've been collecting. Most of this will be done in the next few hours or so, the rest will most likely be completed by mid-day 01/07/2004.

Personal Information:

01/06/2004- I'd just like to let my visitors know that I will be going on vacation for serveral months in about a week, so there won't be any visible updates to the page until I return. However, I will be in parts of the world where several of my favorites artists, as well as artist I have only recently come in contact with live and I hope to be able to sit down with at least some of them to commission some extra work for the site.